This gospel reflection is based on Matthew 11:2-11.
Who Is This Man
I have followed John for so long After first hearing of him Answering his call to repentance His words of challenge within
So many come each day To hear and see all these men Who the Pharisees scoff and test Whose words themselves condemn
I wonder what power is this That calls us, pulls us here Into the cold river Jordan To be purified of all fear
Is he the One we ask The One for whom we’ve longed The Son of Man who comes As foretold in tale and song
Yet John pointed to another One long awaited as foretold One who will lead us home One who was prophesied of old
I am compelled now to seek him As I so too have seeked the One Who baptizes with spirit and fire And who will lead us home
So now John has been taken Of this new prophet we are told He baptizes with spirit and fire Just as John has foretold
His power is truly from heaven As John prophesied from the start He forgives and heals and cures And his words burn in our hearts
'Make straight the path for him' John said before he was taken And now I see the reason For his words are like honey His power is truly from God His very presence itself is holy For this Man is more than man He is truly the Holy One Of whom John prophesied Who to our world has come