I am the smallest of seeds Placed here by the One who is love Unable to grow on my own Yet in my frailty have been held And with gentle hands planted Into the warmth of his creation Gently tucked and covered by love To protect and assure my growth
I draw strength and nourishment From the life-glow of his power Fed by love and grace all round My shell of fear is now broken My whole being stretching forth in joy Toward the grace-light of day Breaking free outward and upward My arms of new spirit unfurl
Embracing his life-giving light I rejoice and reach out in joy To receive what is freely given To sustain myself and to grow Rejoicing in life abundant Feeling the warmth of his love Filling me and pulling me forth
With love you give me strength With love you feed me With love you protect me With love you direct my growth With love you rejoice in my life Charging me to live and bear fruit And to spread that fruit of joy to others
Dear Jesus, You have planted me with love Help me to always live, in trust and gratitude That you will nurture, provide, and sustain life itself Help me to reach out and bear fruit in your name That this fruit will in turn become the seed Of sharing and life-giving love to all I meet