This gospel reflection is based on Matthew 5:38-48.
Love Above All
Turn my cheek, Love my enemy! How can it be this which we must follow So far from what we have been taught Yet somehow its beauty is its truth And its truth is its beauty
This teaching is so hard to hear Because it is so different and counter To all we have been taught Yet our hearts burn at this message As it in heart it changes everything
His word does not end or refute all But fulfills its true meaning It challenges our thoughts and minds It now shows us a new way Of living love rather than enforcing law
This teaching shows us such clear new lesson That the law is the roadmap of God’s love And that how we live is how we love And how we love is how we live In God’s love
This new law is a difficult challenge For us all to bring to life in ours Yet this teaching is not new at all As in living it we fulfill the truth of old And of the two greatest commandments
Can I live this way in reality Turning the other cheek and loving my enemy Can I so deeply embrace this teaching That I no longer refuse one who would borrow Oh that I have the strength to do this
Can I love those who hate me Those who condemn and wrong me And pray for those who persecute me Do I have the will and the strength To strive for such a change of heart
Dear Jesus, help me to live your love Help me to have the strength of will To act in ways of gentleness and love In spite of my desire to defend and act Against those who would tempt me Be with me Lord