Dear families of St. Michael, Just a reminder-we do not have Middle School Youth Ministry this Monday February 3. We will meet again on February 10th. Hope to see you then! Peace, Laura Stapleton
Dear parents, THANK YOU for the positive response when I asked for help in the kitchen---you stepped up/emailed/volunteered to do what you could! We will be in good shape in the kitchen for tonight...
Middle School Program (Grades 6 - 8)
Middle School Youth Ministry will meet on Monday evenings. Sessions will include a variety of EDGE and lectionary-based lessons, incorporating different styles of prayer, guests speakers, outreach opportunities, and fellowship with peers and families.
Most nights will follow a gather, proclaim, break, and send format beginning with dinner, facilitated by parent volunteers. These evening sessions will open with whole group activities, followed by whole group teaching/presentations. Then, the youth will break into small groups to respond and reflect, facilitated by a consistent volunteer adult leader (or pair of leaders). The whole community will re-gather for sending prayer and dismissal.
Parents, parish adults, and high school teens are essential to bringing our Youth Ministry to life!
Fee Per Child $50 | if registered by September 6 $75 | after September 6
Whole Family Catechesis Program (Kindergarten - Grade 8)
Both parents and children attend monthly in-person sessions on Wednesday evenings and then go home with information and activities to continue the formation the rest of the month with the whole family.
Fee Per Child $50 | if registered by September 6 $75 | after September 6
Financial Assistance: No one will be turned away due to lack of funds as the primary obstacle. Contact Sarah Brockwell, Faith Formation Director, for more information.
Contact Laura Stapleton, our Middle School Youth Ministry Coordinator, if you wish you register your child in a program.
Parent Volunteers We would love additional help! Assist with Food Signup Signup