Our parish mission is to be the presence of Christ to all we meet. Your generosity makes this a reality.
Your Sunday Offering, or stewardship giving, helps take care of ministry here at home, that is the day-to-day chruch operations, which enables us to fulfill our parish mission. Your directed ministry-specific giving reaches the broader community through church operations as home base.
St. Michael Parish provides you many opportunities to offer monetary support of our parish ministry. Please take the opportunity to explore what is best for you. Consideration can be given to using traditional envelope giving, St. Michael Parish's online giving, your personal online banking bill pay, IRA contributions, employer matching, stock gifts, or donor-advised funds.
Your support when shopping can benefit our parish, too. Consider purchasing gifts cards (SCRIP) in person or through the RaiseRight app and designating St. Michael Parish as a Kroger Community Rewards Program recipient.
We invite you to explore all the giving possibilities at St. Michael Parish. Help us continue to be the presence of Christ to our faith community and beyond.