Children's Liturgy of the Word: Summer 2021- Spring 2022
The Mass has two basic parts:
The Liturgy of the Word and The Liturgy of the Eucharist
Check out our curriculum from Pflaum:
At the 9:15 AM Mass, after the Opening Prayers, we invite forward all school-aged children to be dismissed to participate in their own Liturgy of the Word in our Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
St. Michael's "Childrens' Church" provides our younger parishioners with the opportunity to hear the Word of God at their own level.
The children are returned to the assembly after the homily, during the Prayers of the Faithful as we transition into the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Our trained leaders will make sure your children get back to you!
Adults are needed to serve as leaders and assistant leaders. Teens in grade 6-12 are invited to volunteer too! Training and materials are provided. Contact Sarah Brockwell for more information.