The group exemplifies the phrase All Are Welcome
with its diversity in culture and different backgrounds.
The Charismatic Prayer Group consists of people from various age groups and cultural backgrounds, with members from over 10 countries who have formed closed friendships over the years. The diversity allows for an exposure to various cultural traditions, languages, devotions, and ethnic food during our fellowships.
All events and meetings are family friendly and open to all!
Weekly Meetings Fridays 7 PM - 8:30 PM Day Chapel
Intercessory Group - Virtual Meetings Wednesdays 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM Over Zoom (pray for the prayer requests, needs of the parish, local community, and for the world)
Praise and Worship Session
The Prayer Meetings begin with a Praise and Worship Session, led by our talented and diverse Charismatic Prayer Group Music Ministry, which consists of a pianist, guitarists, vocalists, and a drummer. The ministry welcomes musicians to join in sharing their talents and gifts of music.
Songs that are discerned and chosen range from tradional hymns to contemporary Christian music paired with scriptural reflections. The group often sings in different languages. The Charismatic Prayer Group has excellent praise and worship charisms, such as praying and singing in tongues.
Word Sharing Ministry
After the Praise and Worship session, the Word Sharing Ministry of three speakers, who have been with the group for more than 15 years with good Catholic theological background, share their gifts of teaching the Word of God. The teachings are followed by sharing from the group members and Intercessory Prayer. The group prays over intercessions, prayer requests, and sometimes individuals who request to be prayed over. The members practice the charismatic gifts received from the Holy Spirit during the Praise and Worship, Sharing, Testimonies, and Intercessory Prayers.
Charismatic Masses Celebrated by Charismatic priests
Life in the Spirit Seminars Speakers from the Catholic Diocese of Richmond
Talks & Retreats Outside speakers approved by the Catholic Diocese of Richmond
Vision & Mission
To be a vibrant prayer group with exuberant praise and worship led by the Holy Spirit. To listen to voice and be open to grace and healing. Grow in charisms and move forward with newness. Be attentive to the Word of God, put into practice and share it with others. Thank the Lord for everything and give HIM glory. Love, build up, and support each other to form a strong community. Serve the Lord and his Body—the Church—with his charisms and humility.
To love God and share his love with others. Be a group of service and prayer. Praise and worship the Lord and exhort him. Be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit so that we can go out and evangelize to our families, the community, and the world. Utilize the Charisms of the Spirit to serve the body of Christ—the Church. Care for one another through petitions and intercessory prayers.
The Charismatic Prayer Group is all about enabling existing, new, and young members to develop their charisms and help them become future leaders. The group encourages them to serve his Body—the Church—through community service or by serving in various ministries.
Active members are encouraged to attend the National Leaders and Ministries conferences, learn more, and gain more wisdom and knowledge.
The group mentors active members to become praise and worship leaders. Members are regularly asked to provide testimonies and share stories of experiencing God, his love, and his miracles.
The group holds constant music practice sessions and gives freedom to the Charismatic Prayer Group Music Ministry members to choose their own praise and worship music, discerned and led by the Holy Spirit.
If any new talents and charisms are discerned with the members, they are encouraged to use them in the ministry.
Support from the Parish: our pastor is a Charismatic priest who celebrates our Charismatic Masses. The Director of Faith Formation and the Director of Evangelization are Charismatic and very supportive of the group. The liaison of the group for the diocese also is very active and an experienced Charismatic leader.
Music Ministry
The strength of the Charismatic Prayer Group lies in the spirit-led and vibrant praise, worship, and teaching. The Music Ministry members sing and play instruments, inlcluding guitar, piano, and drums. The group has praise and worship leaders to lead Praise and Worship. The children of the group members participate, as well.
Charismatic Events
The group leaders regularly attend the National Charismatic Leaders and Ministries conferences (three-day weekend event), which is held every year. The group organizes and sponsors Lenten retreats annually, Charismatic Masses at least once a quarter, and Life in the Spirit seminars periodically. Plans for an annual Advent retreat are underway.
The Charismatic Prayer Group was formed in 2005 with three Catholic families meeting in their homes every week. Very quickly, the group grew and soon found its home in our parish Day Chapel, with meetings held on Fridays. The group was renamed St. Michael Charismatic Prayer Group, because of its location and devotion to St. Michael the Archangel.