The Annual Diocesan Appeal occurs each Lent. Many of you will receive a letter from Bishop Knestout asking for your support. For those of you who do not receive a mailing or do not have time to respond to it, an in-pew pledge process at all Masses is conducted.
Each gift to the Appeal makes a real difference. The gifts of many enable our diocese to deliver needed ministries and services. There are key themes of the Appeal each year that help with Advancing Social Justice, Cutivating Catholic Leadership, and Empowering Parish Communities. You are encouraged to read about the specific services and ministries covered when the Appeal is active.
In addition, all parishes receive back a portion of their funds collected to be used for important local priorities. Every year, the funds returned are used to support St. Michael Parish's various ministries, especially the expanding ones of youth ministry, adult formation, and fellowship.
Appeal pledges can be paid in 12 convenient monthly installments. Please answer Bishop Knetsout's request and make a generous gift when the Appeal is made. Thank you in advance for your support.